Michael Tienhaara

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2 land SC TN 3 Land_SC  aurora I  aurora II  facets I Canyon  facets II Canyon  facets minimalist I 
facets minimalist II  fills IX  fills VIII  fills X  fills XI  forms I V2  forms II V2 
landscape 1  landscape 2  landscape 3  landscape IV  landscape 5  Landscape 6  Rhythmic I 
Rhythmic II  Rhythmic VI  Rhythmic VII  tempest II v1  tempest II v2  tempest IV v1  tempest IV v2 
tempest IV v3  trees 1 v1  trees 1 v2  trees 1 v3  turmoil I  unison I v2  unison II v2 
vast I  v1  Craters IV V6 Dynasty IIA facets minimalst I VII Facets Minimalist II V7 fractured I fractured II
odyssey past I odyssey past II pulse III pulse IV tempest II V5 tempest IV V5

Fractured I  Version II Fractured II Version II Emanate I Emanate II Passion 1 Passion 2

Sherbert I Sherbert II V1 Sherbert I V2 Sherbert II V2 Sherbert I V3 Sherbert II V3
Sherbert I V4 Sherbert II V1 Sherbert I V5 Sherbert II V5 Sherbert I V6 Sherbert II V6
musings I WC musings II FX musings III FX musings IV FX musings V WC musings VI WC Musings _XIII
Spatial III Spatial IV dreamscape III dreamscape IV ultimate I panorama ultimate II panorama
moments I moments II mirage I mirage II

New Images:  Page 1  Page 2  Page 3  Page  4 Page  5 

For more information about the artwork of Michael Tienhaara please send your questions, comments, and requests to:


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